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Upcoming Funding Opportunities

February 2025

ED-GRANTS-112024-001, Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (Partnership Grants)


The GEAR UP program is a discretionary grant program that encourages eligible entities to provide support, and maintain a commitment, to eligible students from low-income backgrounds, including students with disabilities, to assist the students in obtaining a secondary school diploma (or its recognized equivalent) and to prepare for and succeed in postsecondary education. Under the GEAR UP program, the Department awards grants to two types of entities: (1) States and (2) Partnerships consisting of at least one degree-granting institution of higher education (IHE) and at least one local educational agency (LEA).

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) & Danone Institute North America, Regenerative Agriculture

  • Amount Available: Up to $450,000
  • One to two awards will be given
  • Matching funds encouraged but not required

This funding intends to support socio-economic research on both large and small dairy farms that aims to promote replication of hub farm best management practices across the farm environments. The research should also provide guidance for encouraging middle adopters of regenerative agriculture practices to increase and maintain cover crop acres and facilitate the acquisition of appropriate equipment and infrastructure to scale these practices. Such activities aim to stimulate more resource sharing opportunities for new and middle adopters of regenerative agriculture practices. These new and middle adopters will include underserved producers that may identify as Mennonite and Amish 

RFA-HG-25-004, Advancing Genomic Medicine Research (R03 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

  • Only accepting applications that do not propose clinical trials
  • NHGRI intends to fund an estimate of 2 awards, corresponding to $150K total cost, for fiscal year 2024. Future year amounts will depend on annual appropriations.  
  • Application budgets are limited to $50K in direct costs per year and should reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
  • The maximum project period is 2 years

This NOFO solicits proposals that stimulate innovation and advance understanding of when, where, and how best to implement the use and sharing of genomic information and technologies in clinical care in all persons irrespective of racial/ethnic background or socioeconomic status.

USDA-NIFA-SLBCD-011077, Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program


The SLSNCGP requests proposals for two types of projects: 

  • 1) Extension Standard Projects, and
  • 2) Extension Planning Projects.

NIFA requests applications for the Smith-Lever Special Needs Competitive Grants Program (SLSNCGP) RFA for fiscal year (FY) 2025 to enable the Cooperative Extension System (CES) to assist in preparing for, providing an educational response to, recovering from, and mitigating disasters and disaster threats. This program supports innovative, education-based approaches to address disaster preparedness and specific responses related to disasters or disaster threats caused by natural, human-made, or technological hazards, or by other factors that contribute to the exposure or vulnerability of a community. 

Danone Institute North America, Sustainable Food Systems Initiative


The DINA Sustainable Food Systems Initiative is a competitive program that will select and fund up to five transdisciplinary teams in 2025 to design, implement and evaluate actionable community-based projects that contribute to the nutritional health of adult populations and support publication and communication about their impact.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) & Danone Institute North America, Sustainable Food Systems Initiative Focus on Food


Danone Institute North America announces a request for proposals for a new award as part of its partnership with the Foundation for Food & Agriculture Research (FFAR). The two purpose-driven organizations have partnered to expand DINA’s current Sustainable Food Systems Initiative grant program into a new grant program that demonstrates the link between agriculture, the food supply, and health.

PAR-25-273, Development of Animal Models and Related Biological Materials for Research (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)

  • Total project may not exceed two years

This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) encourages innovative research to develop, improve, characterize, and preserve animal models as well as animal model related biological materials, technologies, and new approach methodologies (NAMs) for studies relevant to human health and disease. This NOFO also seeks projects aimed at improving the diagnosis and control of diseases that could confound or interfere with animal use in biomedical research. The proposed project must have broad applicability to multiple NIH Institutes or Centers (ICs) to align with the NIH-wide mission of the Office of Research Infrastructure Programs (ORIP). The proposed studies must include animal models and explore multiple body systems or multiple categories of diseases.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, FFAR Fellows Fellowship Program (Stipend + Professional Development


This award is for Graduate Students

Students from any university in the U.S. or Canada are eligible to apply for both categories of the Fellowship. Sponsorship, matched equally by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, can be derived from industry, foundations, NGOs, commodity organizations, and non-federal university funds. Sponsorship from several sources can be combined to support a student.  Must be enrolled or accepted by a PhD program at a U.S. or Canadian university. A student who is selected as a FFAR Fellow in the Professional Development category in one year may apply in a subsequent year for the Stipend + Professional Development category. Regardless of the outcome of that application, the student would continue with his/her original cohort of Fellows.

NSF 22-548, EHR Core Research: Building Capacity in STEM Education Research

  • Estimated Number of Awards: 29
    • Individual Investigator Development in STEM Education Research: Up to 19 awards. The maximum award is $350,000 for three years.
    • Institutes for Methods and Practices in STEM Education Research: Up to 5 awards. The maximum award is $1,000,000 for three years.
    • Conference: Up to 5 awards. The typical award amount for a conference is $25,000 to $100,000.
  • Co-PIs are not allowed on Individual Investigator Development proposals.

ECR’s Building Capacity in STEM Education Research (ECR: BCSER) supports projects that build investigators’ capacity to carry out high-quality STEM education research that will enhance the nation’s STEM education enterprise.

March 2025

NSF 25-514, NSF Scholarships in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Program (S-STEM)

  • The maximum award amount is up to $2,000,000 for up to 6 years.
  • Estimated number of Awards: 40 to 60
  • Anticipated funding amount: $80,000 to $120,000
    • Awards for Track 1 (Institutional Capacity Building) projects may not exceed $2,000,000 total for a maximum duration of 6 years.
    • Awards for Track 2 (Implementation Projects) projects may not exceed $2,000,000 total for a maximum duration of 6 years.
    • Awards for Track 3 (Inter-institutional Consortia) projects may not exceed $5,000,000 total for a maximum duration of 6 years.

The main goal of the S-STEM program is to enable academically talented, low-income students to pursue successful careers in promising STEM fields.

USDA-NIFA-ICGP-011075, Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Competitive Grants Program – Organic Transitions

  • All fieldwork on organic practices must be done on USDA certified organic land and/or in USDA certified organic facilities.
  • Projects must use combinations of research plus education and/or extension activities and describe expected outcomes and impacts.
  • Maximum Award Amount: $1 million

The overall goal of the ORG program is to support the development and implementation of research, extension, and higher education programs to improve the competitiveness of U.S. organic livestock and crop producers, as well as those who are adopting organic practices.

ED-GRANTS-111224-001, Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences Grant Program, Early Career Development and Mentoring

  • An institution may submit multiple applications to the Early Career Development and Mentoring Program so long as the Principal Investigator (PI) is different for each application and there is no overlap in mentors. 

Through the Research Training Programs in the Education Sciences Grant Program, IES (Institute of Education Sciences) aims to prepare individuals to conduct rigorous and relevant education research that advances knowledge within the field and addresses issues important to education policymakers and practitioners. 

USDA-NIFA-OP-011214, Agricultural Genome to Phenome Initiative (AG2PI)


The intent of the AG2PI research program is to support integration of diverse disciplines that can effectively harness the power of phenomics, genomics, engineering, genetic diversity, and data science for improving production, sustainability, and climate resiliency of crop and livestock species. 

April 2025

NIH PA-23-272, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31)


This award is for Graduate Students

The purpose of the Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship (Parent F31) award is to enable promising predoctoral students to obtain individualized, mentored research training from outstanding faculty sponsors while conducting dissertation research in scientific health-related fields relevant to the missions of the participating NIH Institutes and Centers. The proposed mentored research training must reflect the candidate’s dissertation research project and is expected to clearly enhance the individual’s potential to develop into a productive, independent research scientist.

PA-23-271, Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research (Parent F31-Diversity)


This award is for Graduate Students

The purpose of this Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship to Promote Diversity in Health-Related Research award is to enhance the diversity of the health-related research workforce by supporting the research training of predoctoral students from diverse backgrounds including those from groups that are underrepresented in the biomedical, behavioral, or clinical research workforce.

NSF 25-534, Strengthening American Infrastructure (SAI)

  • A PI/Co-PI/Sr. Personnel may participate or consult-on a single project per application submission cycle

This program seeks to stimulate human-centered, use-inspired, fundamental and potentially transformative research aimed at strengthening America’s infrastructure. Effective infrastructure provides a strong foundation for socioeconomic vitality and broad improvement in quality of life. Robust, reliable and effective infrastructure spurs private-sector innovation, grows the economy, creates jobs, makes public-sector service provision more efficient, strengthens communities, promotes equal opportunity, protects the natural environment, enhances national security and fuels American leadership.

Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, FFAR Fellows Fellowship Program (Professional Development ONLY)


This award is for Graduate Students

Students from any university in the U.S. or Canada are eligible to apply for both categories of the Fellowship. Sponsorship, matched equally by the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, can be derived from industry, foundations, NGOs, commodity organizations, and non-federal university funds. Sponsorship from several sources can be combined to support a student.  Must be enrolled or accepted by a PhD program at a U.S. or Canadian university. A student who is selected as a FFAR Fellow in the Professional Development category in one year may apply in a subsequent year for the Stipend + Professional Development category. Regardless of the outcome of that application, the student would continue with his/her original cohort of Fellows.

NSF 24-608, Safety, Security, and Privacy of Open-Source Ecosystems (Safe-OSE)

  • Each award will be for 24 months.
  • Year One budget maximum is $500,000; Year Two budget maximum is $1 million
  • Total budget maximum is $1.5 million
  • PI, co-PI or other senior personnel must hold either:
    • A tenured or tenure-track positions, or
    • A primary, full-time, paid appointment in a research or teaching position, or
    • A staff leadership role in an Open-Source Program Office or equivalent position

To respond to the growing threats to the safety, security, and privacy of open-source ecosystems (OSEs), NSF is launching the Safety, Security, and Privacy for Open-Source Ecosystems (Safe-OSE) program.

May 2025

PAR-24-298, Mechanism for Time-Sensitive Substance Use Research (R21 Clinical Trial Optional)


This notice of funding opportunity (NOFO) will support pilot, feasibility or exploratory research in priority areas in substance use epidemiology, prevention, and health services, including research in response to: 1 )sudden and severe emerging drug issues; 2) emerging trends and topics related to a change in federal, state, or local drug policy; 3) unexpected and time-sensitive medical system issues; 4) unexpected and time-sensitive criminal or juvenile justice opportunities that relate to drug misuse and access and provision of health care service; 5) the early implementation of new or newly changed federal, state, or local programs, policy, financing, or payment approaches related to substance use, substance use epidemiology, prevention, treatment, or recovery; 6) natural disasters or newly emergent public health emergencies, to und

The Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network (CZ Biohub Network) and the Stellar Science Foundation (SS-F), Global Science Scholars Program


Please note: Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis and will be reviewed at several points during the open application period that runs from December 17, 2024, to May 27, 2025. All application deadlines and dates are based on Pacific Time

The Global Science Scholars program is a postdoctoral fellowship of up to two years designed to advance early-stage careers and catalyze groundbreaking science globally. We are seeking to support cutting-edge science in bioengineering and biomedical domains and, in particular, people who are committed to pursuing up to two years of research directed at creating a better future for all by conducting research outside of their degree granting country.