Past Funding Opportunities
January 2025
North Central Region Center for Rural Development NCRCRG, Rural Development Research and/or Extension Projects in the North Central Region
- Proposals that engage both Extension and Agricultural Experiment Station (AES) personnel are strongly encouraged. Proposals that bridge social and biophysical sciences to foster rural development are also encouraged.
- Single PI proposal budgets may not exceed $25,000. Proposals with two or more Co-PIs may not exceed $40,000.
- All projects must be completed within one year of start date.
The North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) at Purdue University announces a competition for seed grants aimed at enhancing the ability of Land Grant institutions to positively influence the quality of life in rural areas of the twelve-states in the North Central Region of the United States.
NSF 24-606: Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE)
- Estimated Number of Awards: 30 to 50
- If a proposal involves multiple organizations, it must be submitted as a single proposal with sub-awards; separately submitted collaborative proposals are not permitted.
- Anticipated Funding Amount: $27.8 million
- PI, co-PI or other senior personnel must hold either:
- A tenured or tenure-track positions, or
- A primary, full-time, paid appointment in a research or teaching position, or
- A staff leadership role in an Open-Source Program Office or equivalent position
The Pathways to Enable Open-Source Ecosystems (POSE) program aims to harness the power of open-source development for the creation of new technology solutions to problems of national and societal importance.
December 2024
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Foundational and Applied Science Program - Rapid Response to Extreme Weather Events Across Food and Agricultural Systems A1712
- Proposals accepted on a continuous basis
- Project description begins on page 110 of the RFP linked above
- Standard Grants and FASE (Strengthening Standard) Grants: Must be submitted within 45 calendar days after an extreme weather event or disaster.
- Grant Duration: 12 months for Standard and FASE grants
- Maximum Award Amount: $300,000 including indirect costs
Climate change exacerbates the risk of extreme weather-related disasters, caused by naturally occurring hazards such as droughts, heat waves, wildfires, tornados, floods, hurricanes, tropical storms, and blizzards, that often disrupt agricultural, forestry, and rangeland production systems.
PD 24-7298, Multilateral Partnerships Leveraging Excellence (MultiPLEx)
- Proposals accepted anytime
- MultiPLEx funds support the U.S. research team. Research partners should seek funding from their own national funding agencies or from other sources. A typical MultiPLEx award will be up to three years in duration.
Many of the most pressing challenges in research and innovation require collaboration across national and disciplinary boundaries to achieve important advances. A growing number of topics are best addressed on a multilateral basis, building partnerships that leverage diverse expertise, data, infrastructure, and perspectives to advance understanding on critical topics of regional or global importance. At the same time, funders, research organizations, and researchers alike typically have limited experience with multilateral partnerships.
NSF 23-221Y, Growing Research Access for Nationally Transformative Equity and Diversity (GRANTED)
- Proposals accepted anytime
- Proposed projects should look beyond individual and discipline-specific research needs and focus on activities that create institution/organization-wide impact.
- Projects that identify nationally scalable models to build and sustain research enterprise infrastructure are strongly encouraged.
- Proposals must be centered around one or more of the three main themes of GRANTED:
GRANTED supports ambitious ideas and innovative strategies to address challenges and inequalities within the research enterprise.
NSF 21-508, Transitions to Excellence in Molecular and Cellular Biosciences Research (Transitions)
- Proposals accepted anytime
- Estimated Number of Awards: 5 to 8
- Anticipated Funding Amount: $6 million
The Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (MCB) has developed a new opportunity to enable researchers with a strong track record of prior accomplishment to pursue a new avenue of research or inquiry. This funding mechanism is designed to facilitate and promote a PI’s ability to effectively adopt empowering technologies that might not be readily accessible in the PI’s current research environment or collaboration network. Transformative research likely spans disciplines and minimizing the practical barriers to doing so will strengthen research programs poised to make significant contributions.
NSF 20-576, Plant Biotic Interactions
- Proposals accepted anytime
- Estimated Number of Awards: 25 to 30
- Anticipated Funding Amount: $18.6 million
The Plant Biotic Interactions (PBI) program supports research on the processes that mediate beneficial and antagonistic interactions between plants and their viral, bacterial, oomycete, fungal, plant, and invertebrate symbionts, pathogens and pests. This joint NSF/NIFA program supports projects focused on current and emerging model and non-model systems, and agriculturally relevant plants. The program’s scope extends from fundamental mechanisms to translational efforts, with the latter seeking to put into agricultural practice insights gained from basic research on the mechanisms that govern plant biotic interactions.
NSF 24-540, Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR): Workshop Opportunities
- Proposals are accepted anytime
- Submission of a Concept Outline, followed by an invitation from an NSF EPSCoR Program Officer to submit a full proposal, is required before the submission of a full workshop proposal.
- In this solicitation, conferences and conference proposals1 will be referred to as workshops and workshop proposals.
- Maximum budget for workshops is $200,000.
- Virtual workshop proposals are allowed.
- Estimated Number of Awards: Up to 20
- Anticipated Funding Amount: $1.5 million
The Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research (EPSCoR) is designed to fulfill the mandate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to promote scientific progress nationwide.
WWF Food Systems Fellowship 2024-2025
- Applicants may apply for up to two years of funding with a maximum of $30,000 per year
- Applications are open to nationals of eligible countries within WWF-US priority areas who are already enrolled/are interested in enrolling in a master’s or PhD program
WWF’s Russell E.
PA-25-080, NIH Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings (Parent R13 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The purpose of the NIH Research Conference Grant (R13) is to support high quality scientific conferences that are relevant to the NIH's mission and to the public health. A conference is defined as a symposium, seminar, workshop, or any other organized and formal meeting, whether conducted face-to-face or via the internet, where individuals assemble (or meet virtually) for the primary purpose to exchange technical information and views or explore or clarify a defined subject, problem, or area of knowledge, whether or not a published report results from such meeting. The NIH recognizes the value to members of the research community and all other interested parties in supporting such forums.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI- 010693, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program Education and Workforce Development, Food and Agricultural Non-formal Education (FANE)
- Program Priority Code: A7801
- Maximum Award including indirect costs: $750,000
Major advances in agricultural productivity and rural prosperity in the past have resulted from 20 transformative technologies, such as breeding tools and strategies, mechanization, and prudent use of agrochemicals. There are several emerging technologies that hold a similar promise. This Program Area priority will support content development and activities for non-formal education to foster development of technology-savvy youth. Projects must adopt or develop curriculum and activities to cultivate interest and competencies in STEM and in food and agricultural sciences supported by the six Farm Bill Priority areas of AFRI.
November 2024
RFA-AI-24-041, Novel Approaches for Radiation Biodosimetry and Medical Countermeasure Development (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- Estimated Number of Awards: 12-14
- Anticipated Amount of Funding: $2 million
- No more than $100,000 direct costs may be requested in any single year.
- Combined budget may not exceed $200,000 in direct costs for the two-year project period
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to stimulate and support novel ideas in radiation research, focused on medical countermeasures (MCMs), biodosimetry, and/or animal model development to diagnose, mitigate, or treat injuries sustained during a radiation mass casualty incident. These studies may involve considerable risk, but could lead to breakthroughs in a particular area, or the development of novel techniques, agents, methodologies, models, or applications that could have a beneficial impact on the radiation field.
RFA-ES-24-004, Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental Health Research (RIVER) (R35 Clinical Trial Optional)
- Estimated Number of Awards: 4-5
- Anticipated Amount of Funding: $4 million
- Application budgets are limited to $600,000 direct costs per year.
- The maximum project period is 6 years.
The NIEHS Revolutionizing Innovative, Visionary Environmental health Research (RIVER) program is intended to provide support for outstanding investigators in the Environmental Health Sciences, giving them intellectual and administrative freedom, as well as sustained support to pursue their research in novel directions in order to achieve greater impacts.
RFA-AI-24-045, Promoting Innovative Research in Treponema pallidum Pathogenesis (R21 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
The NIH recognizes that teams comprised of investigators with diverse perspectives working together and capitalizing on innovative ideas and distinct viewpoints outperform homogeneous teams. There are many benefits that flow from a scientific workforce rich with diverse perspectives, including: fostering scientific innovation, enhancing global competitiveness, contributing to robust learning environments, improving the quality of the research, advancing the likelihood that underserved populations participate in, and benefit from research, and enhancing public trust.
NSF 24-592, Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases (EEID)
- Estimated Number of Awards: 10
- Anticipated Amount of Funding: $32 million
The multi-agency Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Diseases program supports research on the ecological, evolutionary, organismal, and social drivers that influence the transmission dynamics of infectious diseases. The central theme of submitted projects must be the quantitative, mathematical, or computational understanding of pathogen transmission dynamics. The intent is discovery of principles of infectious disease (re)emergence and transmission and testing mathematical or computational models that elucidate infectious disease systems. Projects should be broad, interdisciplinary efforts that go beyond the scope of typical studies.
October 2024
PAR-24-030, CCRP Initiative: NIH Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats (CounterACT) Basic Research on Chemical Threats that Affect the Nervous System (R01 Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- Anticipated Number of Awards: 4
- Anticipated Amount of Funding Available: $2 million
- Application budgets may not exceed $300,000 per year in direct costs
- Maximum project is three years
This announcement invites applications for basic research projects on chemical warfare agents, toxic industrial chemicals, and pesticides that have primary or secondary effects on the nervous system. Chemical threats are toxic compounds that could be used in a terrorist attack or accidentally released from industrial production, storage, or shipping. Projects supported by this NOFO are expected to generate data that elucidate mechanisms of toxicity of these agents, possible new manifestations of toxic exposures, and potential new targets for therapeutic development.
PAR-24-209, NHLBI Career Transition Award for Intramural Postdoctoral Fellows and Research Trainees (K22 Independent Clinical Trial Not Allowed)
- Only accepting applications that do not propose clinical trials.
- The total period of support is five years (up to two years intramural, plus three years extramural).
The purpose of the NHLBI Career Transition Award (K22) program is to provide highly qualified postdoctoral fellows and other doctoral-level researchers currently in training in the NHLBI Division of Intramural Research with the opportunity to transition their research programs to extramural institutions as junior investigators. To achieve these objectives, the NHLBI Career Transition Award will support two phases of research: a mentored intramural phase (up to two years) and an extramural phase (three years), for a total of five years of combined support. Transition from the intramural phase of support to the extramural phase is not automatic.
- Award Ceiling: $3.5 million
- Award Floor: $500,000
- Amount Available: $20 million
- Awards up to 5 years
The NNSA Academic Programs and Community Support, Office of Advanced Simulation and Computing (ASC) and Institutional Research and Development Programs (NA-114), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), are initiating the next phase of its academic program, called Predictive Science Academic Alliance Program IV (PSAAP IV). PSAAP IV will add an additional focus, on the development and application of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technologies to improve quantified predictive capabilities.
September 2024
PAR-22-181, Research Opportunities for New and "At-Risk" Investigators to Promote Workforce Diversity (R01 Clinical Trial Optional)
Diversity at all levels, from the kinds of science to the regions in which it is conducted to the backgrounds of the people conducting it, contributes to excellence in research training environments and strengthens the research enterprise.
PAR-24-232, Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program (T32)
- The number of awards is contingent upon NIH appropriations and the number of meritorious applications submitted.
- Application budgets are not limited but must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project.
The Bridges to the Doctorate Research Training Program aims to promote broad participation in the biomedical research workforce by strengthening research training environments and expanding the pool of well-trained master’s students who transition to and complete biomedical Ph.D.s.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 3b. Novel Foods and Innovative Manufacturing Technologies A1364.
- Project types: Research Project only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $650,000 for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants. $800,000 with specific partnerships.
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
Applications must address one or more of the four program priorities as outlined in the RFP. Advance sciences and develop technologies to improve shelf life and minimize food loss and waste throughout the food supply chain including consumer empowering tools to support a circular bioeconomy.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 5c. Nanotechnology for Agricultural and Food Systems A1511
Nanoscale science, engineering, and technology embrace opportunities in a wide range of critical challenges facing agriculture and food systems.
- (and soil biota), water, and livestock (including aquaculture species), or to agricultural and allied industry 72 workers.
- Nanotechnology-enabled monitoring physiological biomarkers for optimal crop or animal productivity and health.
Discovery and characterization of nanoscale phenomena, processes, and structures relevant and important to agriculture and food.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 3e. Mitigating Antimicrobial Resistance Across the Food Chain A1366.
- Project types: IntegratedProjects only. Research, Education, or Integrated Projects only allowed for Seed Grants and Conference Grants.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $1,000,000 for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants.
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
Program Area Priority: Innovative solutions to the complex problem of antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in food and agriculture are most effectively addressed by interdisciplinary teams of experts using a systems approach.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 1c. Pests and Beneficial Species in Agricultural Production Systems A1112
- Project types: Research and Integrated Projects only
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $750,000 for Standard grants
- $900,000 with a specific partnership
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program supports projects that advance knowledge of invasive or established plant pests and associated beneficial species leading to innovative and biologically-based strategies to manage pests.
DOD W81EWF-24-SOI-0039, Prediction and Early Identification of Harmful Algal Bloom (HABs) in Riverine Systems
- Estimated Total Funding: $# million
- Award Ceiling: $500,000
Aquatic nuisance species, including harmful algae, impact freshwater lakes and rivers, infrastructure, operations, and associated resources across the nation. HABs have resulted in recreational closures, public health concerns, and billions of dollars in economic impacts. HABs are increasing in frequency and duration, resulting in environmental, socioeconomic, human, and ecological health concerns. Cost-effective and scalable technologies for early HAB detection, prediction, and management are needed to reduce HAB frequency and severity. Riverine HABs, in particular, can span hundreds of miles, last for weeks, and cause significant damage.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 4e. Environmental Justice A1461
- Max. award amounts, Including indirect costs:
- $1,000,000 for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants. $800,000 with specific partnerships.
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program area priority supports administrative priorities for revitalizing our Nation’s commitments to environmental justice for all as outlined in Executive Order 14096. Specifically, projects supported by this program should catalyze integrated research and extension efforts to advance understanding of environmental and climate justice impact metrics that may be translated across geographic regions as well as food and agricultural systems.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 4d. Sustainable Agroecosystems A1451
Purpose of this funding is to enable the development and evaluation of innovative management practices while enhancing ecosystem services; applications must address one of the following: New approaches that significantly increase ecosystem health and resilience, particularly in response to climate change, along with the output or value of more than one ecosystem service, each compared with the current management system for the region; or Improving connection of ecosystem health to managed system productivity, functionality, socioeconomic viability, biodiversity, sustainability and/or resilience.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 4a. Soil Health A1401
- Project types: Research Projects only
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $750,000, for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants. $900,000 with specific partnerships.
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
The goal of the Soil Health program area priority is to support research projects that will contribute to the five priorities as outlined in the RFP.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 1a. Foundational Knowledge of Agricultural Production Systems. A1102
- Project types: Research and Integrated Projects only
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $650,000 for Research Projects
- $750,000 for Integrated Projects
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program supports plant research to advance our knowledge for the wide range of agricultural production systems found across the rural-urban continuum, from conventional or organic open-fields to protected built environments.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 4b. Water Quantity and Quality A1411
- Project types: Research Projects or Integrated (research, and education and/or extension)
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $650,000 for research projects only; $750,000 for integrated projects only for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants and New Investigator Standard Grants;
- $800,000 for research only projects and $900,000 for integrated projects with specific partnerships.
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
Applications MUST address at least one of the five priority areas as outlined in the RFP.&
August 2024
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 2c. Welfare of Agricultural Animals A1251
- Project types: Research Project only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
Program Area Priority: Evaluation (which should include assessment of animal welfare) of current animal agriculture (including aquaculture) production practices and/or development of new or enhanced management approaches that safeguard both animal welfare and adaption to climate change, including but not limited to: Advance objective measures of animal welfare; Alternatives or improvements for painful management procedures; Understanding the effect of the microbiome on animal welfare: Selection methods or experiments for improved robustness, behavior, and/or social effects; Development of innovative alternatives to replace or reduce the use of animals in agricultural research.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 7 g. AFRI Commodity Board Co-funding Topics A1811
- Project types: Research Projects only
- Grant types: Standard and FASE Grants only.
- Max. award amounts, Including indirect costs:
- $1,000,000 for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants; $1,150,000 with specific partnerships.
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
Applicants seeking funding through these commodity board co-funded topics must provide a letter of co-funding support from the commodity board directly to the NIFA Program Contact within 60 calendar days after the application submission deadline.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 2a. Animal Reproduction A1211
- Project types: Research Project only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max. award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $500,000 for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
Program Area Priority: Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic or whole-animal aspects of animal reproduction relevant to improving reproductive efficiency or enhancing reproductive management, including mitigating reductions in fertility that are exacerbated by climate change.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 2b. Animal Nutrition, Growth and Lactation A1231
- Project types: Research Project only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
Program Area Priority: Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic, or whole-animal aspects of nutrition, growth, and lactation, primarily focusing on: Nutrient utilization and efficiency; Innovative approaches to feed formulation or use of novel alternative feedstuffs; Improving the efficiency of production or quality of meat, milk, eggs, fish, and animal fiber; or Metabolic disorders and nutritional deficiencies affecting production of meat, milk, eggs, fish, and animal fiber.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 2d. Diseases of Agricultural Animals A1221
- Project types: Research Project only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
Program Area Priority: Application topics may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following: Cellular, molecular, genomic/genetic, or whole-animal aspects of animal health and disease; Maintenance of homeostasis, including immunologic responses; Disease prevention and control; Therapeutic interventions for disease reduction or treatment; Immune Reagents for Agricultural Animals. Development of publicly accessible, reasonably-priced immunological reagents for Ruminants, Swine, Equine, Aquaculture (major focus on catfish and salmonids), or Poultry.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 2e. Animal Breeding, Genetics, and Genomics A1201
Proposals aligning with the animal genome blueprint goals are welcome to submit to this program area or other program areas within the RFA based on the best alignment with the priority goals.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 3c. Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases A1344
Program Area Priority: NIFA requests proposals for integrated projects that help prevent and control chronic disease equitably across the lifecycle by supporting and encouraging culturally relevant, healthy dietary choices through data-driven, flexible, customer-focused approaches.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 3d. Food and Human Health A1343
NIFA requests proposals that use culturally and contextually appropriate approaches, where applicable, to investigate the interrelationships of foods, or components of foods, and their impact on the gut microbiota to improve human health. Project results should inform precision nutrition or personalized dietary needs particularly for historically underrepresented populations. Project results should complement our nation’s dietary pattern recommendations to prevent, reduce, or control chronic diseases.
PAR-24-202, Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program (Si2/R00 Clinical Trial Optional)
- NIH anticipates up to five awards
This NOFO encourages applications for the Lasker Clinical Research Scholars Program for the purpose of supporting the research activities during the early-stage careers of independent clinical researchers.
The program offers the opportunity for a unique bridge between the NIH intramural and extramural research communities and contains two phases. In the first phase, Lasker Scholars will receive appointments for up to 5-7 years as tenure-track investigators within the NIH Intramural Research Program with independent research budgets. In the second phase, successful scholars will receive up to 3 years of NIH support for their research at an extramural research facility; or the Scholar can be considered to remain as an investigator within the intramural program.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 1b. Foundational Knowledge of Plant Products A1103
- Project types: Research Projects only
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE
- Max. award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $650,000 for Standard grants
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program supports projects to study the biosynthesis of plant-derived, high-value biomolecules for use in foods, pharmaceuticals, and other products. Projects must focus on agriculturally important plants, but the choice of plant species must be justified. Molecular, biochemical, synthetic biology, or eco-physiological approaches may be used to determine the biosynthetic pathways for industrially important biomolecules.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 6a. Small and Medium-Sized Farms A1601
- Project types: Research Projects or Integrated (research, and education and/or extension) Projects only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $650,000 for Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants.
- 300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program area priority focuses on the development and/or adoption of new models to assist agricultural (farm, forest, or ranch) landowner/manager decision-making with respect to appropriate scale management strategies and technologies to enhance economic efficiency and sustainability, including the
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 1d. Physiology of Agricultural Plants A1152
- Project types: Research Projects only
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE
- Max. award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $650,000 for Standard grants
- $800,000 with specific partnership
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program will support projects to improve productivity or other performance factors of agriculturally-important plants (including weeds) using molecular, biochemical, whole-plant, agronomic, or eco-physiological approaches.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 1f. Pollinator Health: Research and Applications A1113
- Project types: Single Function Research, Education or Extension and Integrated Projects (Research and Extension only) only.
- Grant types: Standard, Conference, and FASE.
- Max award amounts Including indirect costs:
- $300,000 for all Seed Grants
- $750,000 Standard Grants, Strengthening Standard Grants, and New Investigator Standard Grants, $900,000 with specific partnership.
- $50,000 for Conference and Equipment Grants
This program supports single-function projects (research, extension or education) with the goal of promoting healthy populations of animal pollinators in agricultural systems where reliance of crops on pollinators for pollination services is
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 3a. Food Safety and Defense A1332
NIFA requests proposals for basic and applied research that will reduce the risk of intentional or unintentional contamination of foods. Applications must address one or more of the seven program priorities as outlined in the RFP.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 3c. Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases A1344
- Project types: Integrated Projects only.
- Research, Education, or Integrated Projects only allowed for Seed Grants and Conference Grants.
NIFA requests proposals for integrated projects that help prevent and control chronic disease equitably across the lifecycle by supporting and encouraging culturally relevant, healthy dietary choices through data-driven, flexible, customer-focused approaches.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010453: 7e. Agricultural Biosecurity A1181
This program area priority focuses on increasing our national capacity to prevent, rapidly detect, and respond to biological threats to the U.S. agriculture and food supply. Supported activities will increase agricultural biosecurity at the regional and national levels, and across the public and private sectors. Addressing the vulnerabilities of our nation’s food and agricultural system requires a concerted effort, sustained investment, and a coordinated strategy that protects the U.S. food and agriculture system against threats from pests, diseases, contaminants, and disasters.
July 2024
NNH24ZDA001N-HAQAST, ROSES 2024: A.44 Earth Action: Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team
The typical performance period is three years but may be up to five years.
This National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Research Announcement (NRA), Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) – 2024, solicits basic and applied research in support of NASA’s Science Mission Directorate (SMD). Through this ROSES NRA, NASA encourages the participation of the space, Earth, and biological and physical science communities in SMD’s research and technology programs. These programs form the foundation of both the basic and applied research that allows NASA’s space, Earth, and biological and physical science programs to be properly planned and carried through to the successful interpretation of data and its application to the needs of end users.
June 2024
NSF 24-560, Data Science Corps
- Estimated Number of Awards: 10 to 15
- Anticipated Funding Amount: $10 million
- Award Range: $800,000 to $1.2 million for duration of 3 years
The objective of the Data Science Corps program is to help build a strong national data science infrastructure and workforce. The Data Science Corps program seeks to engage data science students in real-world data science implementation projects. This engagement will help bridge the data-to-knowledge gap in organizations and communities at all levels, including local, state, and national, and will empower better use of data for more effective decision making.
PAR-24-100, Long-Term Effects of Disasters on Healthcare Systems in Populations with Health Disparities (R01- Clinical Trial Optional)
- Earliest submission date: May 5
- Maximum project period: 5 years
- Clinical trials are optional. NIH is accepting applications that either propose or do not propose clinical trial(s).
The purpose of this Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) is to support collaborative research focused on understanding the long-term effects of natural and/or human-made disasters on healthcare systems serving populations that experience health disparities living in the U.S. and its territories.
USDA-NIFA-AFRI-010653, Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Sustainable Agricultural Systems
- A Mentoring Plan is now required in all applications that include undergraduate students, graduate students of postdoctoral scholars.
- Letter of Intent (LOI) is not required in FY2024.
- Anticipated number of awards: 8
- Maximum award amount: $10 million
- Projects duration up to five years
The Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is USDA’s flagship competitive grant program that provides funding for fundamental and applied research, education, and extension projects in the food and agricultural sciences. Within AFRI, the long-term purpose of the Sustainable Agricultural Systems (SAS) Request for Applications (RFA) is to help transform the U.S. food and agricultural system to increase agricultural production while also reducing its environmental footprint.